vineri, 31 iulie 2015
Nearest rocky planet found just outside our solar system HD 219134b
Nearest rocky planet found just outside our solar system
Scientists from NASA just confirmed the finding of the closest rocky planet in the nearest solar system to us . The planet is rotating around a star just 21 light years away .
Due to the distance from it's star , this planet is in no way a suitable candidate for life , unlike the recent found planet, Kepler 542-b , found at 1400 light years away .
The planet was discovered with the help of the Galileo National Telescope found in the Canary island.
Unfortunately , the new exoplanet found , and yes its an exoplanet , being outside our solar system , can't be seen from our planet with the naked eye and currently has no memorable name . It's just called HD 219134b .
Why should we be happy for this new discovery ?
These types of planets are "worth their weight in gold," said Michael Werner, the project scientist for the Spitzer mission at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena
"Most of the known planets are hundreds of light-years away. This one is practically a next-door neighbour," said Lars A. Buchhave.
As I said before the planet can't sustain life , being too close to its star , but being so close to us and just at the right angle , so that is passes just between us and its star will let scientist perfect the method of analysing its composition and the approximate distance between it and the star .
These types of planets are "worth their weight in gold," Michael Werner, the project scientist for the Spitzer mission at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena
Scientists set their hopes on the new James Web Space Telescope , that is scheduled to
lunch in 2018 , to get a better view of all the exoplanets out there
joi, 30 iulie 2015
Colombian model, beauty pageant winner facing death penalty smuggling dr...
An arrest took place during a trip to China, where a Colombian model was arrested for drug possession. The drug was transported inside her computer and she is now facing the death penalty.
Juliana Lopez, the 22 year old model frightened her family and friends. They had made a statement to the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo that their sibling was on a travelling business for 2 weeks and had been detained in China.
the model is being accused of psychoactive drugs smuggling inside her computer. This charge is being punished in China by life prison or the death penalty. The The newspaper reported that Juliana was arrested on the 18th of July on the Guangzhou airport.
Lopez was supposed to compete for the Miss World Medellin pageant this week, but now she is crying in a Chinese prison while her relatives are trying to find a solution for her to be helped.
Her family said that they had to contact the embassy in China after they have lost contact with Lopez;The embassy informed Lopez's family that she was arrested.
Beside being a pageant model,Lopez plays for a local soccer club team. Her coach Alejandro Duque said to the newspaper that they are planning a money raiser so that her mother with a lawyer to go to China.He had tolt the newspasper that Lopez was a good girl,bright student, model, and always ready for commitments for her team.
Lopez's friend, Lis Hernandez, had also spoken to the newspaper, and stated that her friend went to China to buy clothes, accessories and other souvenirs so that she could sell back home.
"My heart tells me she is not guilty," Hernandez said. "You cannot condemn it yet, I have hope that she is innocent and everything is clear."
marți, 28 iulie 2015
On the 25 of July at around 1:25 am a small fight broke out in a Tesco Extra store in Wookwich, East London .
In the video firmed by one of the witnesses you will see a woman and 3 men fighting using different weapons like an umbrella and a bottle that is thrown to the woman's face . Beside this at hand weapons , punches were given .
during the entire video the woman is heard screaming for help , while the staff is trying to get the situation under control.
in the video you will clearly see the woman getting punched in the face by one of the men , while the single security guard from tesco that had the courage to intervene , is watching helplessly .
one of the witnesses that saw the entire incident , was very upset with tesco security , because of their lack of reaction and twitted that 5 witnesses were screaming for security , but nobody had the courage to intervene
after this fight nobody was arrested but the incident is still under investigation
tesco officials said that they are currently running a parallel in vestigation
In the video firmed by one of the witnesses you will see a woman and 3 men fighting using different weapons like an umbrella and a bottle that is thrown to the woman's face . Beside this at hand weapons , punches were given .
during the entire video the woman is heard screaming for help , while the staff is trying to get the situation under control.
in the video you will clearly see the woman getting punched in the face by one of the men , while the single security guard from tesco that had the courage to intervene , is watching helplessly .
one of the witnesses that saw the entire incident , was very upset with tesco security , because of their lack of reaction and twitted that 5 witnesses were screaming for security , but nobody had the courage to intervene
after this fight nobody was arrested but the incident is still under investigation
tesco officials said that they are currently running a parallel in vestigation
kepler planet 452b Earth 2.0 older cousin Exoplanets
This enthusiastic discovery ,we could say that comes as a gift for the 20th anniversary since the launch of Kepler Telescope. The 23rd July 2015 is the day when one of the most important discoveries in the past few years is revealed. The scientists from NASA , Kepler Science Team, to be more precise, announced that they have discovered, using the now famous Kepler telescope, a new exoplanet. This discovery along with its information revealed lead scientists to conclusions such as calling this planet Earth's older cousin .
Let’s see if these facts are solid enough to make this affirmation. First of all the name of the famous exoplanet recently discovered is Kepler 452-b,named after the the Kepler telescope which discovered it. It’s also known by the pseudonym Earth 2.0,due to the similarities NASA scientists claim to have discovered between our worlds. This planet is placed outside our solar system into a habitable zone, meaning that this planet is not too close to its sun ,Kepler 452, to be burned out, but also not too far from it preventing from freezing.
This so called Earth 2.0 has a 6 billion years old star to orbit around. This star ,Kepler 452, is a bit older than our own sun, 1.5 million years older to be exact. This G2V-type star is located in the Cygnus Constellation, belonging to the Milky Way Galaxy, same as our Solar System. The distance Earth 2.0 orbits its sun is about the same distance as our own Earth. The main difference between our suns is that Kepler-452 is 20 percent more luminous than our sun ,and although there are some similarities between them, this percentage could lead to various possibilities which we should take into consideration .One of the consequence of Earth's 2.0 sun luminosity percentage is that kepler-452b is receiving 10 percent more light than we receive from our sun. Nasa scientists said that the chance of being rocky planet is between 49 to 62 percent and this might mean a high possibility of finding active volcanoes .they also claim that Kepler-452b has an atmosphere .These two suppositions, more light and the high possibility of being a rocky planet, could lead us to the conclusion of some form of life made out plants. Plants generate oxygen, here's why there could be an atmosphere ,and on the other hand this may be a subject to runaway greenhouse effect. Earth 2.0 being a rocky planet could mean that it might have water on it, but in smaller proportions than the rocks on it, and ,the higher sun activity could cause the planet to heat up and loose its oceans-and along with this the possibility of finding forms of life. The bright side of this scenario is revealed by the scientists again, which claim that this won't occur for another 500 million years from now. Kepler 452b is the smallest planet in its solar system ,but the 60 percent makes it a lot bigger than Earth. To make a more specific comparison between our planets, Earth 2.0 has 5 times our own planet's mass. This fact has a direct influence regarding the surface gravity, bringing it to almost twice our own gravity. This might not be a deal breaker for us moving there, but some changes might occur to our fragile bodies, meaning the extra gravity will make us lose some weight ,but we as a specie might adapt living there. Another important fact which must be taken into consideration when we compare our two planets is
the temperature ,which range is between -8 to 18 degrees Celsius. This range of temperature, besides being a lot similar with temperatures on Earth, might also mean that we could already be finding life forms out there waiting for us to discover them. Some other good comparison between our planets is the necessary time to have a full trip around its sun ,while kepler-452b has a 384.84 days year in comparison to our earth which needs 365 days for a full year ,that brings us to a 5% longer time of orbiting around its sun for Earth 2.0.
The bright side of this fact is that you have an extra 20 days for longer vacation . The bottom line is that we shouldn't get too enthusiastic with this planet and the possibility of us getting there because the main impediment for us to get there is the distance between our worlds ,which is 1400 light years away. For example the fastest spacecraft ,New Horizons, will take approximately 25,8 million years to reach it. In case you are planning to take a trip there in the nearby future ,do not be too hasty and wait until we will be able to use the warp drive technology.
Lord coke Baron Sewel snoring cocaine and partying with hookers resigns
Baron John Sewel, has decided that resigning from his position as House
of Lords deputy speaker, is the best choice after being caught on tape
while taking drugs and partying with prostitutes.
His actions also made him renounce his position as chair of the committee in charge of the behaviour of members of the House of Lords.
Baron Jhon Sewel reportedly used cocaine while having a sensual party in his flat in London's exclusive Dolphin Square.
It has been heard that he had been stripping naked during his party the past month along with a £200 per night hooker.
It has also come to our knowledge that he had been seen using the white powder from a prostitute's breast.the money these hookers had been paid with are both by cash and by using a cheque.
A press release from a spokesperson from House of Lords states that Lord Sewel had resigned his position as a chairman of committee,which is a salaried role.He had also said that this fact's meaning is that he was no longer in an official role. Into the movie which is into the Sun's possession on Sunday , Baron Sewel is caught on tape while noisily playing with two women in the intimacy of his appartement in Dolphin Square, just at a couple of kilometres away from parliament. One of the two girls was paid for the entire night with a cheque for £200, on the 22nd of July. In between joyful nights with easy going women and snorting cocaine, he has been heard that he struggles to afford paying a £1,000 per month rent of his appartment. He had been asked if he receives some sort of expenses, and he admits that he should receive a flat-rate allowance of of £200 per day.He had also declared that people was making false claims, and that the members of Lordship's House were the right thieves. Being the truth said the allowance for Lords is £300 per day but lord Sewel did not apply to this allowance.
The shamed peer had a not so negligible allowance because he lived in Aberdeenshire of 36.000 pounds plus a respectable salary of 84.000 pounds as chairman of committees and not to forget the travel expenses .
During this video Sewel made some racist and offending remarks of Asian women .
Ironically Sewel was the one to request the power to expel lords that tend to misbehave, during a recent session of the privileges and conduct committee.
He is a close ally of Tony Blair ,former prime minister , who also put him in his former position and is known for his help during Blair's forming of the Scottish parliament . He is currently married to lady Jennifer and managed to get with his modest earnings a house of just 1.2 million pounds located in Banchory ,Aberdeenshire.
Because of the surfacing of this sextape sewel is now investigated on 2 charges . First one being sexual offences and the second one is solicitation of prostitution. Even thou during the video he was seen multiple times snoring cocaine ,there were no charges regarding the use of drugs.
Today , baron John Sewel resigned from his position ,because of the allegations of parting with prostitutes and drugs abuse.
His actions also made him renounce his position as chair of the committee in charge of the behaviour of members of the House of Lords.
Baron Jhon Sewel reportedly used cocaine while having a sensual party in his flat in London's exclusive Dolphin Square.
It has been heard that he had been stripping naked during his party the past month along with a £200 per night hooker.
It has also come to our knowledge that he had been seen using the white powder from a prostitute's breast.the money these hookers had been paid with are both by cash and by using a cheque.
A press release from a spokesperson from House of Lords states that Lord Sewel had resigned his position as a chairman of committee,which is a salaried role.He had also said that this fact's meaning is that he was no longer in an official role. Into the movie which is into the Sun's possession on Sunday , Baron Sewel is caught on tape while noisily playing with two women in the intimacy of his appartement in Dolphin Square, just at a couple of kilometres away from parliament. One of the two girls was paid for the entire night with a cheque for £200, on the 22nd of July. In between joyful nights with easy going women and snorting cocaine, he has been heard that he struggles to afford paying a £1,000 per month rent of his appartment. He had been asked if he receives some sort of expenses, and he admits that he should receive a flat-rate allowance of of £200 per day.He had also declared that people was making false claims, and that the members of Lordship's House were the right thieves. Being the truth said the allowance for Lords is £300 per day but lord Sewel did not apply to this allowance.
The shamed peer had a not so negligible allowance because he lived in Aberdeenshire of 36.000 pounds plus a respectable salary of 84.000 pounds as chairman of committees and not to forget the travel expenses .
During this video Sewel made some racist and offending remarks of Asian women .
Ironically Sewel was the one to request the power to expel lords that tend to misbehave, during a recent session of the privileges and conduct committee.
He is a close ally of Tony Blair ,former prime minister , who also put him in his former position and is known for his help during Blair's forming of the Scottish parliament . He is currently married to lady Jennifer and managed to get with his modest earnings a house of just 1.2 million pounds located in Banchory ,Aberdeenshire.
Because of the surfacing of this sextape sewel is now investigated on 2 charges . First one being sexual offences and the second one is solicitation of prostitution. Even thou during the video he was seen multiple times snoring cocaine ,there were no charges regarding the use of drugs.
Today , baron John Sewel resigned from his position ,because of the allegations of parting with prostitutes and drugs abuse.
Horror injuries sun burns two brothers during day care
Second degree sun burns are the consequences two brothers had to suffer after daycare ran out of sunscreen on a water park trip
The shocked mother of the two injured brothers, had to come all the way to the hospital to see her children stacked into blisters by the doctors.
Shaunna Broadway, age 26, had faith in this daycare centre, happiness is a learning centre, to let her children be taken care of there,while she is at work trying to earn some money to raise her siblings. But after the shocking incident she had decided to file a report against the personal who was in charge of her children and did not give them sunscreen while being to a local water park.
Her little ones, Conner Harvey, 7, and his brother Tray Wells, 5, became covered in sour blisters because of the burns they received. Above all their medical condition needed immediate medical care, but they were taken at a hospital out of state, and their issues had come to a dangerous level for their health.
Broadway, is a single working mother, took her boys to Tulsa hospital but not until 2 am Monday morning she was informed that they must be immediately flown to Shriner's Hospital for children in Galveston, Texas, because of the severity of their burns.
Tray suffered from second-degree sunburns and his brother Conner, the one with paler skin and red hair, had three-degree burns.
Their condition might include the possibility of skin grafts if their condition does not improve.
the boys are feeling very bad,and they yell in pain and complain that their burns are itchy.
As you can see in one of the photo Conner has a very large blister on his back, surrounded by anti-burn drug Silvadene, which cracked same as the blisters underneath it.
The 2 boys are going to stay in Galveston up to 5 days.
The only thing their mother wants is that the daycare centre to take responsibility for her children's injuries.
She stated that right must be right, and so has wrong. She declared that she being a single mother has to go to work from Monday to Friday and her children have no other option that to be taken to daycare during the day.
No other child in the daycare centre had been reported with having serious sun burns.
The suffering mother had asked why didn't they use sun-block creams, and the response was that they ran out of it. An this is not all, one of the lady was making fun of one of her child because he was complaining like a baby because of the sun burns.
Management team refused to make any statements regarding this scandal.The centre had been taken under surveillance by the Department of Human Services for 19 times before, but most of the problems were regarding staffing and scheduling issues.
DHS officials are investigating this case along with the Police Department.
The shocked mother of the two injured brothers, had to come all the way to the hospital to see her children stacked into blisters by the doctors.
Shaunna Broadway, age 26, had faith in this daycare centre, happiness is a learning centre, to let her children be taken care of there,while she is at work trying to earn some money to raise her siblings. But after the shocking incident she had decided to file a report against the personal who was in charge of her children and did not give them sunscreen while being to a local water park.
Her little ones, Conner Harvey, 7, and his brother Tray Wells, 5, became covered in sour blisters because of the burns they received. Above all their medical condition needed immediate medical care, but they were taken at a hospital out of state, and their issues had come to a dangerous level for their health.
Broadway, is a single working mother, took her boys to Tulsa hospital but not until 2 am Monday morning she was informed that they must be immediately flown to Shriner's Hospital for children in Galveston, Texas, because of the severity of their burns.
Tray suffered from second-degree sunburns and his brother Conner, the one with paler skin and red hair, had three-degree burns.
Their condition might include the possibility of skin grafts if their condition does not improve.
the boys are feeling very bad,and they yell in pain and complain that their burns are itchy.
As you can see in one of the photo Conner has a very large blister on his back, surrounded by anti-burn drug Silvadene, which cracked same as the blisters underneath it.
The 2 boys are going to stay in Galveston up to 5 days.
The only thing their mother wants is that the daycare centre to take responsibility for her children's injuries.
She stated that right must be right, and so has wrong. She declared that she being a single mother has to go to work from Monday to Friday and her children have no other option that to be taken to daycare during the day.
No other child in the daycare centre had been reported with having serious sun burns.
The suffering mother had asked why didn't they use sun-block creams, and the response was that they ran out of it. An this is not all, one of the lady was making fun of one of her child because he was complaining like a baby because of the sun burns.
Management team refused to make any statements regarding this scandal.The centre had been taken under surveillance by the Department of Human Services for 19 times before, but most of the problems were regarding staffing and scheduling issues.
DHS officials are investigating this case along with the Police Department.
Rita Ora and X Factor friends using weed?
Shock!! Is Rita Ora and her friends dining around a big bag of weed?
The now famous singer was celebrating with her friends the weekend after finished filming of the first round of auditions for X Factor.
Ora was sitting around what is seems like a huge bag of weed while having something to eat along with her friends.
Their celebration was after finishing filming the first round of auditions fon X Factor where she is one of the juries.
The noisy group were having dinner - and between al their dishes, laid at the end of the table a plastic resealable bag, fully packed of what seemed to be a green herbal substance with a pack of cigarettes upon it.
Rita, age of 24, who was wearing a blue shirt and a knee lace-up boots in this picture,just after the finished filming on Sunday - had recently split from Ricky Hilfiger, whom was found guilty of charge for cannabis possesion in 2010.
At the same time, in 2013 she and USA star Snoop Dogg, age of 43, were posing with a roll-up weed cigarette while celebrating their national weed day.
Theese pictures had been posted by her and her friends on her Instagram account, without seeing the suspicious bag laying on the end of the table.
The X Factor judge declined the possibility of existing a weed bag on her table and she wonderes why does everybody have to make up all kinds of things about her.
She totally denies theese accusations, and she is willing to say about her that she has a trully pure and innocent soul.
All these disscussions had appeared after ASAP Rocky rapper had made vile remarks about her in the lyrics of his song Better Things.
Rita added to her statement that she believes a career-driven woman becomes intimidating to others around her.
The now famous singer was celebrating with her friends the weekend after finished filming of the first round of auditions for X Factor.
Ora was sitting around what is seems like a huge bag of weed while having something to eat along with her friends.
Their celebration was after finishing filming the first round of auditions fon X Factor where she is one of the juries.
The noisy group were having dinner - and between al their dishes, laid at the end of the table a plastic resealable bag, fully packed of what seemed to be a green herbal substance with a pack of cigarettes upon it.
Rita, age of 24, who was wearing a blue shirt and a knee lace-up boots in this picture,just after the finished filming on Sunday - had recently split from Ricky Hilfiger, whom was found guilty of charge for cannabis possesion in 2010.
At the same time, in 2013 she and USA star Snoop Dogg, age of 43, were posing with a roll-up weed cigarette while celebrating their national weed day.
Theese pictures had been posted by her and her friends on her Instagram account, without seeing the suspicious bag laying on the end of the table.
The X Factor judge declined the possibility of existing a weed bag on her table and she wonderes why does everybody have to make up all kinds of things about her.
She totally denies theese accusations, and she is willing to say about her that she has a trully pure and innocent soul.
All these disscussions had appeared after ASAP Rocky rapper had made vile remarks about her in the lyrics of his song Better Things.
Rita added to her statement that she believes a career-driven woman becomes intimidating to others around her.
Lord Sewel wearing orange BRA and snoring cocaine with prostitutes
Lord Sewel wearing orange BRA and snoring cocaine with prostitutes
At least he's got some support!
Recently disgraced Lord Sewel is in the centre of attention in the latest photo of him wearing an orange BRA while being secretly filmed while discrediting other politicians.
The Sun has revelied a recent photo from the well known footage with him and 2 hookers. He is having a blast smoking a cigarette while cross dressing.
In this video he talks about Tony Blair's love affair with George Bush. He also makes different statements about other politicians, David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Labour leadership candidates and also Alex Salmond. While he is having some wistful moments in a bright orange bra and leather jacket, now disgraced Lord Sewel has made some statements about his old boss Tony Blair of having a romance affair with George Bush and he also stated that former Prime Minister's wife is obsessed with money. During Sewel's discussions with the 2 prostitutes he had said that his former friend Tony Blair had gone seriously wrong regarding the Iraq problem. He said that Blair had gone to war because of the so called love affair between him and the former US president, George Bush. Sewel had also said that currently Blair is making lots and lots of money,more precisely tens of millions, before attacking his wife and accusing her of being obsessed with money.
He also called the Prime Minister David Cameron as the most facile,superficial Prime Minister he had ever seen. In the meantime Boris Jhonson passes as a joke.
He had also said that many other dirty things are going on with prostitutes,not always women hookers, and public figures. However in the entire article he praises on George Osborne giving us tips about him to become the next Prime Minister. Everybody should know that this video had been taken secretly by the 2 prostitutes at his flat near parliament - movie which lays bare the Lord's depravity. Lord Sewel currently lives with his third wife at their £1.2 million home in Banchory, 18 miles away from Aberdeen
After this shocking movie there were some serious measures which affected both Lord Sewel's credibility and the future of Hose of Lords regulations.
Before this incident Lord Sewel was a respected both academic and politician which helped Tony Blair pushing through Scottish devolution. But after this scandal even the basic informations about him written on wikipedia changed and he is described as a person who enjoys cricket, golf, reading, hill-walking. cocaine and cooking.
Naughty pilot and sexy Chloe Mafia in the cockpit
Naughty pilot and sexy Chloe Mafia in the cockpit
Because safety comes first for most of airlines, pilots decide not to allow passengers into the cockpit too often.
But this fact seems to be above this rule for X Factor reject Chloe Mafia, after she had updated her Instagram account with a photo of herself from inside a passenger jet's cockpit.
She had joyfully flashed her oversized chest in the photo as she smiled at the camera.
25 years old Chloe, was going to New York to London by Kuwait Airways flight, and this photo had raised a lot of questions regarding passenger safety.
Chloe Mafia reportedly was also drinking and smoking cigarettes during the entire flight.
She had declared that they were sitting in bussiness class around 30 minutes after the plane's take-off.
She also stated that the signs for the seatbelt had gone off and that a stewardess had come and announced her that the pilot wanted them to go to the cockpit.
The door had been locked and the captain had introduced himself and confessed her that he was a naughty pilot.He also said that he allows sexy girls into the cockpit, although he was not supposes to,because he says he was the one who made the rules.
The photo has been removed from her Instagram account.
There were no comments yet made on behalf of Kuwait Airways regarding the incident.
Chloe has started a successful own web cam business and made a fortune upon it. She is currently working for the well known Gentleman’s club Spearmint Rhino and she's also dating an American millionaire.
She was first in the centre of attention on the X Factor 2010 when she was booted off the show.
New student loans Bill of Rights Barack Obama
New student loans Bill of Rights Barack Obama
During a visit at Georgia Tech , President Obama reveilled his plans for students aid plan to help them with the struggle to repay their students loans , which increased dramatically into the past years .
U.S. President Barack Obama , said that what he intends to do is to make the student loans more reasonable and more easy to understand .
While he was there , President Obama discussed the Student Aid Bill of Rights , bill recently signed by him . This package of laws are designed to come in the aid of the students whom need federal student aid in order to attend college , by trying to explain better the financial impact that these loans will have on their life. The student aid bill rights, also referred to as SABR in one of its paragraphs, states that all students should have the right to access these loans.
Between all of them, the most important things that were mentioned are probably the rights to an affordable re-payment plan , access to the resources that will permit the student to repay his / her loan , fair treatment through customer care, access to reliable information and the right to quality and affordable education.
After taking a hard long look at the American economy , one has to wonder how can a freshly graduated student in a non scientific major with an average score ever repay the dramatic cost of the student loans ? The answer is that he can't , and so we get to our current situation where millions of post graduated Americans are struggling in crippling debt .
Another useful thing that the Student Aid Bill Rights is trying to suggest is that students that are actively involved in community services and manage to maintain a good standing through college , should have the right to attend 2 years of free community college, and this way they could have a real chance to use pay-as-you-earn plans .
The truly beneficial law that the student aid bill of rights brings is the obligativity that every payment made by the student before the repayment date , MUST be applied to the loans with the highest interest rate.
New Zealand Black Power gang member fights till knockout
The footage filmed illegally since there is a strict regulation regarding the usage of mobile phones in prison . this brings a stain on the the Auckland’s Mount Eden Correctional Facility management and prison guards .
Since April 2013 the infamous gang called Black power from New Zealand , has released about 6 videos of their members fighting in different places .
From cells to prison yard the fights are usually pretty serious and end up with their member winning all the fights .
The gang recently became a real issue in New Zealand due to the high number of members and the level of violence that its member are prepared to go to.
The members are not to be trifled with . Most of them are Maori and Polynesian men with a high tendency to violence and quick temper .
they are deeply involved in manufacturing and dealing drugs in the local market .
Since April 2013 the infamous gang called Black power from New Zealand , has released about 6 videos of their members fighting in different places .
From cells to prison yard the fights are usually pretty serious and end up with their member winning all the fights .
The gang recently became a real issue in New Zealand due to the high number of members and the level of violence that its member are prepared to go to.
The members are not to be trifled with . Most of them are Maori and Polynesian men with a high tendency to violence and quick temper .
they are deeply involved in manufacturing and dealing drugs in the local market .
Lord Sewel bragging of having sex with a married BBC TV star
The disgraced lord Sewel , recently caught on camera, having socks with sex-workers and snoring cocaine , bragged during the video filmed with a hidden camera by one of the prostitutes, that he had socks with one of female TV BBC's married star . The sexual contact happened just one time , a one-off socks as he calls it , and that even thou he wanted to get together several times she refused him , saying she is happily married and doesn't want to ruin her marriage .
The deed happened in the attic , as he calls it , a place where the now infamous lord , had committed adultery , 13 times during the last 17 years , but the interesting thing is that in this not so negligible number , Lord Sewel , never felt obligated of including the countless sexual contacts , or one-off shags as he calls them , with prostitutes during this 17 years period.
Confronted with this allegation , the happily married TV star from the English channel BBC ,vehemently denied ever to have done anything like that , saying that the claims are categorically untrue .
Yesterday night , a group of police officers , Scotland Yard’s Special Enquiry Team of the Homicide and Major Crime Command to be more precise , went to Lord Sewel's flat in Dolphin Square at the 8 floor, around 6 pm . 7 of the police officers were dressed in plain clothes , not to drawn to much attention to the already pretty messy inquiry .
With the civilian dressed officers 2 more Uniformed and armed Pcs were seen at the site .
A police dog and his handler was also present there .
Scotland yard finally decided to lunch an official warrant regarding the recent drugs fuelled video in which the bragging Lord Sewel makes all the slanderous statements and is clearly uses cocaine.
The warrant was used for the search of the disgraced peer's apartment , and was granted under the Misuse Of Drugs Act by the Westminster Magistrates Court .
A statement has been made by the Scotland's Yard spokesman , saying that a criminal investigation has been lunched investigating the drug-related offences . They clearly said that at this time no arrest have been made and that the investigation is ongoing ,and all this on the tax payer's money .
The deed happened in the attic , as he calls it , a place where the now infamous lord , had committed adultery , 13 times during the last 17 years , but the interesting thing is that in this not so negligible number , Lord Sewel , never felt obligated of including the countless sexual contacts , or one-off shags as he calls them , with prostitutes during this 17 years period.

With the civilian dressed officers 2 more Uniformed and armed Pcs were seen at the site .
A police dog and his handler was also present there .
Scotland yard finally decided to lunch an official warrant regarding the recent drugs fuelled video in which the bragging Lord Sewel makes all the slanderous statements and is clearly uses cocaine.
The warrant was used for the search of the disgraced peer's apartment , and was granted under the Misuse Of Drugs Act by the Westminster Magistrates Court .
A statement has been made by the Scotland's Yard spokesman , saying that a criminal investigation has been lunched investigating the drug-related offences . They clearly said that at this time no arrest have been made and that the investigation is ongoing ,and all this on the tax payer's money .
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